It is a scary time to be queer in this county, and even scarier to be queer in Idaho. There’s no way around that. The political climate over the last few years has emboldened people in their beliefs and actions, and court cases at all levels threaten to limit, or fully eliminate, our rights. As a queer cis woman, I get it. I understand how the stress of the world makes everything seem harder, because in a lot of ways everything is harder. As an LGBTQ+ affirming therapist serving Boise, Idaho Falls, Coeur d'Alene, and all of Idaho, I understand these struggles.

Sometimes, it can be even harder for people who fall under the transgender, gender-nonconforming, and asexual umbrella terms to find a competent and affirming therapist to work with. There is too often a lack of understanding and a lack of competency among therapists who are otherwise competent with the LGB part of the community. I have done counseling with countless transgender, nonbinary, and genderqueer individuals and have created group therapy curriculum, and run the groups, for incarcerated transwomen. I have had clients in therapy with various identities under the asexual umbrella, and have witnessed the struggles of loved ones who identify as aro, ace, or some combination of the two.

Being a part of the community in and of itself does not qualify me, or any other therapist, to know best practices to treat you. I have been working with the queer community since I first became licensed. Common threads, that I’ve seen and treated in many people, are therapy for internalized homophobia, the difficulties of living in the current climate/culture, how to navigate family relationships, low self-worth, not feeling good enough, coming out, both dating and relationship concerns, and the loneliness and isolation that so often come with not only being queer, but being queer in Idaho. I provide LGBTQ+ affirming therapy in the bigger cities like Boise and Meridian, and affirming counseling in Jerome, Burley, and every small corner of Idaho.

Additionally, I was a founding board member for the Idaho Association of LGBT Issues in Counseling and have created and completed trainings at conferences, institutions, and universities on working with the queer community, on risk and protective factors in LGBTQ+ adolescents, and on how to give gender-affirming care and treatment in difficult environments. I have experience completing Gender Dysphoria assessments for incarcerated men and women. I am familiar with, follow, and believe in the WPATH guidelines, including their model of informed consent for gender affirming medical treatments.

Life is hard. I can help you relieve your distress, explore your identity if you're unsure of it, navigate difficult family relationships, address loneliness, heal from that breakup, help you live a more authentic life, navigate prejudice, and help you navigate all of the difficult situations life throws your way. Still have questions? Call or text me at 208-274-9373. If I can't answer, I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

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